About Me
Hi, my name is Helena Ramsey and this is a liitle information about me and my journey into the way of tantra and integrated therapy.
About Me
I am both trained as an Holistic Therapist, a Psychotherapist as well as an Evolutionary Astrologer and Emotional Processing Technique facilitator.
Yet my life has not been a straightforward one and until I found EA and Emotional Processing technique I was often lost projecting my difficulties, emotionally reactive and believing myself a victim of outside circumstances.
I used many ways to escape my feelings and often today still catch myself in the process of blaming or controlling others in order not to feel. Since finding EA and Emotional Processing I have done a lot of shadow work and integration that has allowed me to feel like a whole and complete person.

“it is through the cracks that the light gets in.”
I am a work in progress continually travelling through the natural law of involution and evolution, often finding ways to avoid the evolutionary urge and keep safe but repressed and meeting my negative fate.
This is not something to judge but to meet with the tenderest compassion and love as I walk towards becoming a Homo Sanctus, a divine human being.
All My Qualifications:
- First Class BA Humanistic counselling
- Emotional processing Technique Diploma
- Hypnotherapy and Past life therapy Diploma
- Evolutionary Astrology
- Seasoned Tarot reader
- Holistic massage and Reflexology diploma to advanced level
- Indian head massage diploma