I work from my home in Brighton UK but because of my YouTube channel most of my clients are based throughout the world .
So I am asked a lot – how does it works ?
Firsty after contact I return your email to try and get a sense of what you are looking for and if I can meet your requirement . Tarot readings are carried out and sent to you through video link . Often I am asked to do tarot sessions live and sometimes I will but there are pros and cons of both . The pros are you get to keep the videos and I get to reflect deeply about the messages I am receiving in stillness. You also get to keep our privacy.
Sadly the tarot is still shrouded in projections and ignorance and many prefer this way of working. Also we are not bound by the clock I tell you the day your reading will be done and you receive it through email . The cons are if the reading is deeply revealing we cannot work it through together to understand on a deeper level what is going on . To be heard is a deeply rewarding and healing experience and sometimes all that is required to move a situation forward . So it is often a decision that needs to be met from you . Do I want just an answer from the tarot or do you want the tarot along with a therapeutic encounter ?
Just Connect…
After we initially connect through email and decide to work together I gather your date , time and location of birth and we organise a time and i send you a Zoom link or my home address I then send an invoice for payment through paypal and we await the appointed time. I weave esoteric traditions together and it is helpful to have a sense of what you are looking for .
Some people want to know what their soul is attempting to do in this lifetime . Others want to know their sacred wound . I am contacted a lot from people who are having an experience of far term memory resurfacing. This is when Emotional Processing Technique or past life therapy and Astrology weave perfectly together as we can travel through time lines.
10 Years Of Practice
For my other therapeutic modalities we work on the Zoom platform or from my home in the UK . I have worked as a therapist for almost ten years and I value both face to face and the internet platform equally . I have a duty of care to my client and there is no other way for me to offer these modulaties but through encounter . I need to be able to feel your energy and how you are responding to the work we are doing and to know you are safe and held within this work . I also get to understand you more through the reflections we share. Sometimes I sense a shift and I know I have touched something deep , something of the soul has been stirred and for this to happen we need to connect.
Often we are dealing with situations in the present moment that require our attention , a relationship issue , loneliness , depression or an addiction that has brought you to this path; these are often signs of unprocessed trauma . In many ways we do not need to seek in the past as the present moment holds for us everything we need to know. We simply dive deeply and completely into the situation that presents itself to us in this living breathing moment. We bring Awareness and Acceptance , we move into direct experience and the transformation begins.
Important to note that we must be patient with what one session can provide. This work of the soul and soul work is deep and profound. We are undoing the knots of generations upon generations which is living itself out through our lives for better or worse.
Emotinal Processing Technique
Evolutionary Astrology
6 Primal Wounds