+44 752 321 6658

An integrated therapist is one who is able to shift between modalities and ways of working in order to meet the unique needs of the client.


It is non-dogmatic and does not seek to fix the client into a frame of reference but to embrace the uniqueness of the individual.

My belief systems and therapeutic models are firmly placed in the mysteries of the Esoteric world and I believe this world is starving and cracking because it has forgotten its deep origins .

Yet I am also trained to a high degree in the Western modalities of psychotherapy and feel this gives me an edge and the ability to be a soul voyager capable of working with a client to the depth that is required and to maintain safety throughout.


 An esoteric integrated therapist with the skills I have is able to bypass ten years of therapy work in order to name the ‘Core Primal Wound’ that we carry.

An esoteric integrated therapist can study the birth chart and bring to light calcified emotions that are blocking your path and in a few months the rivers can run free.

Using understanding of emotional processing work our relationship challenges can be overcome and we can heal our relationship dynamics rather than recreating the wounding over and over again . This is the skills of the integrated therpaist.

Left brain talking therapy has a place.

My sessions are an hour and a half because I recognise that we all need to be heard but it does not get to the heart of the matter . The heart of the situation lies in our subconscious and this can be accessed through the Alpha state , the birth chart , inner child work and the tarot cards.

These are my skills; this is what makes me an integrated therapist . I can listen , I can bear witness , I can create the therapeutic environment and when ready together we can do the work of transforming – this is what makes me an integrated therapist.

Emotinal Processing Technique

Emotional processing combines both Western and Eastern therapeutic modalities and is an art uniquely tailored to the individual.



The tarot is an ancient divination art that describes our journey and its many travails through time.


Evolutionary Astrology

Evolutionary astrology seeks to answer the age old question why am I here?


6 Primal Wounds

Since time began there has always been myths and legends of a great age – it is believed that humanity is now on the precipice of this great age…



Past Lives Therapy

The tarot is an ancient divination art that describes our journey and its many travails through time.


Holistic Body Therapies

Evolutionary astrology seeks to answer the age old question why am I here?


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