+44 752 321 6658

The way of tantra is a unigue spiritual / psychological practice.


It is  rooted in ancient Tibetan Buddhism and Western psychological approaches that encourages the cultivation of the Therapeutic relationship as a healing source.

The way of tantra’s approach is a turning towards , a merging with what we have been attempting to run away from most of our lives . Its belief is that the turning away from IS the source of our suffering and the root cause of our dysfunctional behaviours and coping mechanisms .

The way of tantra holds no blame or shame. All sentient beings seek happiness and desire to avoid suffering . It could be argued that the whole materialistic and consumption based culture is based on this idea that we avoid ourselves and our sufferings by rising to the top of the ladder . The buddist call this ,’ the great wheel of samsara ‘ . This materialistic program has been around for 5,000 years and it is clear that this approach is reaching its great finale as we enter into a new epoch . The way of tantra provides a pathway to a new chapter of human history free from our unresolved histories lying deep within our bodies and being played out in the drama of our lives.


To be human is to have suffering.

It is not a pathology but a vital part of our life experience; which holds the potential to be a transformer, the evolutionary force which has the ability to transmute the past and forge a new destiny . The way of tantra teaches us that the key to the happiness we seek lies in the heart of the suffering we are desperately trying to avoid . It’s so tempting to point the finger to look outside to believe others are the source of our suffering ,so we blame partners (or the absence of partners ) , children , the government , the list is endless but this will not bring us the happiness , the empowerment or the resolution we seek.

The resolution lies within us.

Together we create a therapeutic bond and together we forge the courage of the spiritual warrior and we turn to meet and bring the light of awareness and unconditional acceptance to all of our experience; it is the way of the highest self love and happiness .

We give up our resistance , our tensions , our running and with the greatest twist off all ; We kiss the beast only to find it holds the joy that was sought.

With love Helena xxxxx

Emotinal Processing Technique

Emotional processing combines both Western and Eastern therapeutic modalities and is an art uniquely tailored to the individual.



The tarot is an ancient divination art that describes our journey and its many travails through time.


Evolutionary Astrology

Evolutionary astrology seeks to answer the age old question why am I here?


6 Primal Wounds

Since time began there has always been myths and legends of a great age – it is believed that humanity is now on the precipice of this great age…



Past Lives Therapy

The tarot is an ancient divination art that describes our journey and its many travails through time.


Holistic Body Therapies

Evolutionary astrology seeks to answer the age old question why am I here?


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